
Showing posts from May, 2018


DTU vs NSIT Battle begins~ Overview: And now finally, the fight begins!!  If you are wondering which is the best among DTU and NSIT then my answer would be- no matter what you choose, your future is secure and in safe hands. They both are among the finest colleges of the country. But if you dive a bit deeper then you will find that they are like opposite side of a coin (Belongs to same but are completely different). Okay now, lets review the real battle!! Ranking: First thing one notices before deciding a college is checking its Rank. You can checkout the ranking by various organisations of colleges at this link here  (for NSIT) and here . After seeing the ranks you might attempt to jump right onto the conclusion that DTU is better. If that so, then I will have to ask you to hold on your horses and first read the complete article (maybe it could change your thoughts…or maybe not) . Well the ranking criteria is based on various factors, like the number of plac

All you need to know about DTU

Delhi technological University So , if you are reading this, probably you are an aspirant imagining the life here or a student of Dtu appreciating the facts or else student of other universities and is here to compare and wondering how  it is to spend time and be there at a place like Dtu.  Your mind must be having various questions like what does it take to get there, how would you get to pursue your dreams and do things you love and how much exam and study pressure you have to face. How much marks/rank would I need? So I will be answering all of them one by one. Lets start with how much marks/rank would you need to get into the college. Well the answer is it depends, it depend on what you want to go for, like you really need a high score for getting computer science as your major and on the other hand you would get engineering physics with a average score as well. You can check out this link for previous year cutoff click_here  and you could get a good idea how